We’re back after an unannounced and unexpected hiatus! Looking at the searches that bring husbands to our site, Chris and J ask and try to answer the question “Why doesn’t / can’t / won’t my wife do ____?” in the bedroom.
Listen to the Podcast
- Why Your Wife May Not Want to Receive Oral Sex
- Why Doesn’t She Want to Give You Oral Sex? 8 Reasons That Are Not About You
- Why Doesn’t She Want to Give You Oral Sex? 5 Reasons That Are About You (and What You Can Do About Them)
- How Can She Not Care About Sex?
- Episode 37: Why Sex Can Feel Risky to Your Wife
- Helping Your Wife Want to Have Sex – Webinar Replay
- Increasing Your Wife’s Sexual Pleasure – Webinar Replay
- Spicing Up Your Bedroom – Webinar Replay
- “Stop Pressuring Me!” – The Forgiven Wife
- And J promised a video of the Texel sheep from the farm where she stayed in England…
This Week’s Takeaway
Write down your “Why won’t / can’t / doesn’t she…?” question, then first ask yourself why you want that and then approach your wife and ask what she hears or thinks you mean when you ask why she won’t / can’t / doesn’t do or want what you do. (And listen. Like really listen.)