4 Comments on “Episode 39: Grooming and Hygiene”

  1. I wish I could do more grooming. My hair is course, dense, and a bit like wire. Lest anyone think I’m giving TMI, this applies to all of my hair, not just that hair but we’ll talk facial hair since it all behaves pretty much the same and people are more comfortable talking about beards. It also grows back very quickly and my skin gets irritated if I shave more than once every two to three days . I’m talking pimples at first, no matter how well I scrub before and after followed by skin rash if I continue the practice. So, it’s all I can do with oils to keep from being too prickly for her to kiss me or even brush up against. Trimming apparently makes it worse, though I do have to trim once in a while anyway, and shaving means my skin is like sandpaper within a very few hours (like 3-5).

    That’s just my end of things. I’m the one who wants “manscaping” and/or shaving. She wants nothing to do with it on her end either. She HAS to shave legs and under arms but that is the limit. Nothing else is open to trimming or shaving, at all, period.

    I was the more hygienic in many respects when we first married. I think she was concerned about soap possibly disrupting ph levels or something and used it sparingly in certain areas but has apparently decided it’s worth the risk. The exception being that she can’t abide the idea of smelling like she might have been physically intimate around other people which means there must be time and opportunity for her to bathe or shower before we will be around people or it isn’t going to happen. So, that’s a bit frustrating. I have always preferred to smell good to others but it’s worth it to me to smell of love making if we get to make love. But that’s just me.

  2. Oh, I don’t recall if it was this post or another one that you referenced “red shirts” but it tickled me. My wife said years back that I look particularly good in red. In a more recent discussion, she said she thought red was just my favorite color when she saw that I wore it fairly often around her. I’m not sure if she forgot telling me I looked better in red or if she’s distancing herself from making me a red shirt for plausible deniability. We do keep life insurance on me…😂

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