Dave Barringer, pastor, podcast host, and author of Mosaic Marriage, spoke with us a while back about foreplay in and out of the bedroom. We revisit that episode with a few fresh takeaways in our season of talking to men in marriage ministry about women’s sexuality. Take a listen!
- Dave Barringer’s website
- Launch Point book site
- Mosaic Marriage by Dave Barringer
- Marriage Monday with David Barringer on Apple Podcasts (available through other providers too)
- Episode 6: Does Choreplay Work? – KHS Ministry
- Discover Your Love Language® – The 5 Love Languages®
- Freshen Up Your Foreplay – Hot, Holy & Humorous
- Newsflash, Hubbies! She Loves Foreplay. – Hot, Holy & Humorous
- What Wives Long to Hear from Their Husbands (In Their Own Words) – Hot, Holy & Humorous
It’s filling up! Only a few spots left on the fall Hot, Holy & Humorous cruise with J. Parker!